Saturday, October 4, 2014


And like the seasons 
To be predictably unpredictable
We've fallen into each other's sunshine
We've melted into each others cool

Hovering in doubt.. We bend
Fallaciously straightening our curves
The authenticity in our faults
Our brokenness mends... How cruel to be so loving

Time teaches us to cry
Screams silent soliloquies in ardor
And we blow each other in spence
Unfulfilled and so full of the obvious 
We ignore soulfully 

Thoroughly amazing 
Our moments are clear at midnight 
Unclear.. Betwixt twilight and dawn
Unawakened by fear.. 
We share space interrupted 

Love has conquered us
Bullied its way toward freedom
Leaving our minds blurry and grey 
Carelessly ignoring its silhouette 

Should we ever... 

©Vernette Harris 2014

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Trouble sleeping

Rocks so solid
Arise like certitude 
We meld
Complete and...
Uninterrupted truths and such
How can I be so translucent?

My skin so sticky
Like Braille upon your membrane
How could you understand where I'm coming from?
We be like in reverse
Running from palpitating inner thoughts. 

No love lost, I suppose 
And love so stubborn 
It stains crimson matter 

Tracing the roots of
My sins to the core of my soul..
I loosen your flow
Boldly tilting the balance that don't exist 
In other words, I'm tripping

Leaning to side of indifference
Im stretched so deep
The flood that ensues
Soul stirring 
My Nile has erupted. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Outside the conception of I never had
Sensations and typos of love
Make it go lustfully and sun settings
I belong

Touching each sleepless thought
Heartache never felt so alive
Waking up to hollow dreams
Walking silently into---passion
I belong 

The song begins to play our end
Settled in your speechless tongue
Layered beneath broken promises
Hopeless in shattered hopes
Regrets bloom so lovely 
I belong 
Rebel destiny and grasp wandering air
Trust my graceful silhouette 
I lie loosely into the crevices of your certain untruths 
Belonging to

Moving mountain tops and 
Rising rivers we cease to-
Afraid to attach a memory 
To nothing more than 
Distant whispers 
We be longing 

Carefully un-placing fingerprints
Intentionally unloving you
Defying sweet things and such 
Into city lights and the moon lit country side
I belong 

Thinking of two 2 trains
At speeds of harmonious desire
Towards brooks- lingering 
I reach waves and oceans 
At the thought
Us belonging 
©Vernette Harris 2014


Sunday, April 13, 2014

I believe life is art. How I grow into you is art. The way I see you is an art form. My gaze is artistically and colorfully composed onto a blank canvas. The way I look at you, the way I walk with you, the way I laugh with you, the way I embrace you, the way I love you, the way I lay with you is creatively and purposefully made into a moment. 

Darling, you have to believe that I am not your little accident.... You did not just come upon me. - Vee

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Waiting it is

Is it my fault
There is a extended space and time
Lengthened by rhyme
In which my heart yearns your awakened shadow
Gripping for soothing intentions
That ache i long for

Is it my fault
I recite the hymns
Said to be floating adjacent to life
Interconnecting a single tear to a harsh cry
I die in song
And resemble the rebirthed soul

Is it my fault that i love unconditionally
And just like the flower
Expanded and emptied
Completely parched in all its splendor
Watered carelessly
Soaked in irrelevancy


To be plucked
And adored

©Vernette Harris 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

My Heart Resides in Brooklyn

step in a crooked stone fashion, lying in linear direction...kissing gravity atomically, beyond my dimensions grabbing your affection. Fingers tip toeing vertically, hipster, I gyrate sensually to split screen images of head shots, nursing shots awaiting your liquors I suppose. 

© 2014 VernetteHarris